Thursday, June 10, 2010

Settled? THEN what do I do?

I'm dangerously close to being completely moved, unpacked, registered and settled in Missouri. I've been such a busy bee with all of the things that are involved when you move from one state to another that I'm not quite sure what I will do with myself once it is all done. It's a good thing I didn't have the foresight to fully grasp all that I was going to have to do to make this move successful, or I may have gone all deer-in-the-headlights and never gotten off the couch.

I still have some loose ends to tie up, like having Tim's car inspected and registered, plus he needs to get his Missouri drivers license, still, but I can't do that one for him. I got mine today (kind of exciting for me) but I have to take it back tomorrow and get it reprinted since they typed my address in wrong. So far, the whole process has been time-consuming, but not frustrating. My only concern is the tires on Tim's car. I hope they pass the safety inspection. He will need new tires soon, but I'm hoping we don't have to do that right now.

My washing machine is still broken. I'm finally having someone come out to look at it tomorrow. It would have been pointless to do before now since Tim hadn't been paid and we had no money to fix it, unless fixing it were super cheap, which I'm guessing it won't be. So $10 to have them come out and diagnose the problem. Hoping for loose connecting somewhere underneath rather than cracked or broken something. Apparently, it's possible the pump is broken or the outer drum is cracked, in which case, RIP 12+ year old Kenmore washer. I'm trying to just take all of this in stride and work it out as it comes.

One of the hardest things for me, emotionally, about moving has been not having my church family anymore. I'm super-introspective and I like to kind of look at my feelings from outside myself, so this whole move has been pretty interesting to me. I miss my church family so much. I know that I am kind of in the position of someone whose spouse died. The dearly departed is besainted in the heart and mind of the one left behind, and my beloved Live Oaks is pretty much right there. No other church is Live Oaks and even things that aren't negative are counted against prospective church-homes because they just aren't the same. I realize this. I know I'm being emotional and irrational. Yeah... don't really care yet, though.

I'm trying to give this one church a chance, but I'm really having a hard time separating the things that I really dislike from the things that I only dislike by comparison to Live Oaks. "It's different and I hate it!" my mind screams. I stood in service last week almost crawling out of my own skin taking in all of the different sensations. I looked at the overly-dramatic facial expressions on one of the worship team's faces. Like a 3 year old child, I stomped my feet and threw a fit... in my mind... about how I just wanted my church back. At that moment, as I chocked back tears, I hated everything about the church surrounding me. Ugh. I'm trying to be objective, but I'm mourning.

Ok, enough for now. I have to go to dinner. More later.

1 comment:

Miriam said...

We miss you too...especially me! I find myself standing around going..."Well gosh...who am I going to chat with this morning???" (I chatted mostly with you! :-))

And I know the feeling...we left our last church and I loved them deeply and it was a complicated separation. (Simply moving would have been so much easier I think!)

Hang in WILL find the perfect church. And there is nothing wrong with going with your heart on this one.

Looking forward to seeing you in a couple weeks. :-)