Friday, May 2, 2008

Getting Started

What a beautiful day it is in the Midwest today! Windy as usual, but a wonderful 63 degrees which means that I don't have to use the A/C again today! I love the few weeks in the spring and fall when we don't have to run the heater or air conditioner; our electric bill is so cheap. It's supposed to get down into the 30's tonight, which is strange since yesterday the high was in the 80's (and miserably humid). Enough about the weather, though... this really isn't a blog about the weather, honest.

I think it's kind of strange writing to no-one in particular, but everyone who wants to read this. I suppose that is what it's like to write a book, though. You're writing to your audience, whomever they may be. So to my audience, I write in hopes that something good will come from it.

My kids will be 4 and 5 this summer, so next year we are starting school (at home) and boy did this sneak up on me. I've spent the last few months researching my options and my eclectic curriculum is finally coming together. I have some wonderful homeschool moms at my tiny church whom have been extremely generous and continue to just give me their old curriculum and materials. Isn't that fantastic? I feel so blessed. God is so good to me. We are on a tight budget since only my husband works outside the home and we have 2 children to support, so the free materials are very much appreciated.

Saving money is part of something that has been on my heart and mind lately. I went back to reading a book that I had started a long time ago and never finished, and I've really been convicted about how I spend my time and energy as a wife and mother, and also encouraged and instructed on how to change that so I can bring more glory to God though my life.

The book is Created To Be His Help Meet by Debi Pearl. Their child training books and this book have been invaluable to me and my family. I don't agree with everything written in them or by the Pearls, but they have provided a kind of mentoring that I really needed and hadn't been able to find elsewhere. Any book besides the Bible, you have to just take what you can use and leave the rest. I don't subscribe to ideas that you shouldn't get your children vaccinated or take them to the doctor when they are sick, and I don't read only the King James Bible, and I'm not sure about some of the things that are said about abusive situations, but, thankfully, I'm not in any of those situations, so I don't have to worry about that right now.

I really did want to be the wife that God would have me be, but I didn't know how. I feel confident now in my position as a help-meet to my husband, happily serving him and learning to see the world as God sees it. Those closest to me have, at best, reservations about the way I understand my role in my marriage. Most think I'm sacrificing my own happiness unnecessarily and believe that I should demand what I want from my husband. Knowing what God's holy Word says to wives, how could I do that? Why would I? It doesn't work to demand love, anyway. I spent the first 4 years of my marriage demanding love and all it got me was almost a divorce, and a husband that didn't like me. That was almost 3 years ago, and I thank God for the wake-up call and the 2nd chance. I can honestly say that my husband likes me now... he loves me, has always loved me, but now he LIKES me. Just one wonderful by-product of seeking God's way for my life.

Now I'm concentrating on being busy and productive at home, training the children and planning for the school year ahead. I know I need to make a daily schedule, but I'm still thinking about that right now. I think the first thing I'll do is schedule 1 task for a specific time. Just one task. Then after we get used to having an appointed time to do one thing, I'll add another, and so on. I really need to get a feel for when would be the best time to do what. When would be the best time for reading, best time for free-play, best time to watch a video, best time for arts/crafts, and then meals, chores, etc. need to fall in-between.

I'm not the kind of person who likes a schedule, but I NEED one in order to accomplish what I want to accomplish. I know once we start school officially, we will definitely benefit from a daily schedule. I want to keep things light for now... light but deliberate. We just need to get used to the rhythm of it all and it will be easy from there. Kids love routine, I hear. It cuts down complaining and dragging of feet when they know what is expected of them every day. So I hear. ;)

I'm feeling lazy today. I've got a cold and I have that general malaise thing going on, and it's just not motivating me to fold laundry and wash dishes. Thankfully, tonight my husband works a little later than usual so I have a little extra time to get things done before he gets home. Anyway if anyone ever reads this, thanks for taking time to hear me ramble on and on. More to come, soon.

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