Monday, May 25, 2009


Tim caught something at work and didn't realize he was actually sick since he's always stuffed up with his allergies. We all ended up drinking after him (he had a delicious frozen coffee drink, and we did not) and one by one we all came down with a yucky cold. The worst part is that this crud seems to want to stick around for WEEKS.

I had to take Rachel to the ER in the middle of the night/wee morning hours because she was all croupy. They gave her steroids since I had already given her a breathing treatment at home. She's doing much better now, but this junky cough just doesn't want to go away.

I hate going to sleep when I'm congested. This is why I am up at 4:30am. That and the Amp I had earlier. In case you're wondering, Amp vs. cough medicine: Amp wins.

I hate being sick. I guess I should try to get some sleep.

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