Saturday, May 30, 2009

Birdius Maximus

We have a 3 year old Java sparrow named Max. Max is possibly the coolest pet that I have ever had... and I have had a lot of pets. I found him at a pet store when he was a baby. He sang at me every time I walked by, and he had such a pretty song, I had to get him. I had no idea that a little finch would be so animated and interactive. He loves us, especially the kids.

We let him fly free in the house sometimes, and he usually flitters from one of our heads to another or from shoulder to shoulder. He also likes to sleep on top of the DVD rack, which is about the highest point in the apartment that he could easily sit on.

He's such a little lover, but he doesn't like hands. He will hop around on the floor and nearly get flattened because he has no healthy fear of feet, but bring your hand within a couple feet of him and he flies away, squawking in protest. This is probably because I have to periodically catch him to trim his toe nails.

His favorite place to sit is on Jace's shoulder when he's doing school work. I have included a picture for your enjoyment. He also likes to sleep on my shoulder while I knit. I guess he likes the repetitive motion.

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