Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Random things

Don't you hate it when you finally learn someone's phone number, and then they change it? There are precious few phone numbers that I have memorized. I still remember numbers from pre-pubescence - you know, back before cell phones took over memorizing all of our contacts - but since I got my first cell phone in 1998, I have almost never memorized a phone number. I knew my sister's number at one point... just before she changed it. ;) Besides that, I have probably only memorized phone numbers that spell something, i.e. Cox's customer service number: 263-FAST. I've had the same phone number for a long time, and before that my number had the same suffix, different prefix. That was before you could take your cell number with you when you switched providers. Yes, kids, there once was such a time.

That reminds me, I recently told my 5 year old that when I was little, we didn't have a microwave. I think she is just starting to grasp the concept of times less technologically advanced than this. I actually remember the day my parents bought our first microwave. I was probably around my daughter's age. Weird the things we remember, and the things we forget.

I think I'm going to be writing here more. I have been feeling a little cooped-up and isolated lately. It's hard being home all the time. Maybe writing will help. Tim works weird hours, with 2 late nights a week and alternating fridays and saturdays. It makes it hard to take any classes or join any groups because most things just start too early, or are on his late days. I would love to take a class at the local arts center, but the schedule overlaps with Tim's by like 30 minutes :/ I have been wanting to take a jewelry making class for YEARS but the timing has never been right, or I didn't have the money. I'd also love to take an oil painting class. Or learn to play the violin. Or learn another language. :)

I must be crazy. Maybe I'm just bored. I love to learn new things, though. I have never painted with oils. I've done watercolors and a lot of acrylics, but never oils. I speak un poco Espanol from taking Spanish 1 and 2 in 8th and 9th grades. I can't read music or play any instruments. I think it would be fun to do any of those things, but when you have little kids at home - all the time - it's hard to carve out time for that. I could use some adult-interaction, though, and something that is just about me.

I think my biggest problem is that I have too many interests. There are so many things I want to do that I never end up committing to one and sticking with it long enough to really accomplish anything.

Ok, I'm gonna go watch basketball now. I feel better. :)

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