Tuesday, June 30, 2009

8 years.... 4 of 'em wonderful!

Today is my 8th wedding anniversary! I went and met Tim for lunch. I love my honey, he's my best friend and aside from the fact that he occasionally drives me nuts, I couldn't ask for a better husband. He always makes me laugh, even when I'm mad at him, and he's a great father to our children.

Our marriage wasn't an instant success, and it wasn't easy getting to where we are now, but I would do it all again in an instant to have him as my husband and best buddy like I do now. And I'd do my part a lot better the second time around. The more time I spend around other people, the more I treasure him. I thank God for Tim, even though Tim doesn't yet know the Lord, I can see God working in his life. I pray continually for the day that Tim will be reconciled with his Maker.

To anyone out there who happens upon this blog and doesn't have a blissful marriage, I cannot recommend the book Created to be His Help Meet strongly enough. The God-given wisdom that Debi Pearl has passed down in this book has transformed my heart and attitude toward my husband and marriage. We're very much in love now, which I could never have honestly said in the early years of our marriage. You don't have to agree with everything that is said in the book in order to benefit from the Biblical wisdom that is contained between its covers. God has redeemed my broken marriage to an unbelieving (still) man. Let Him be praised!

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