Tuesday, June 9, 2009

/J/.../J/...Jumping up and down in speech therapy

I am so excited! Today was Jace's first appointment with his new speech therapist. The hospital has been trying to hire a full-time pediatric speech pathologist for about 6 months and they finally got one! Jace LOVES Miss Caitlyn! She's very animated and up-beat and the woman knows her stuff! I am SO thankful.

I knew things weren't really jiveing with the last pathologist, but it was free and our best option at the time. Miss Caitlyn read a story with him and got him to say some parts of the story back to her to evaluate him, and she was really surprised at how well his /r/ and /l/ sounds were, since these were the sounds we were most-recently working on at home. She noticed his /j/ sound sound was coming out a lot like /z/. She modeled a correct /j/ for him and he picked it up really quickly. He was struggling with not making the /z/ sound at first, but he was self-correcting when he said it incorrectly. Miss Caitlyn seemed impressed.

She pulled out some cards with words from the story they read together and taught him about syllables. Then she gave us some cards with single-syllable /j/ words to practice at home and gave me some ideas on how to make it fun. We also need to get /ch/ down still, but, apparently /ch/ is the same as /j/ but without vocal involvement. Miss Caitlyn said once he gets /j/, the /ch/ will come easily.

I'm just so thankful. We only have about 12 or so appointments left, but I think it will be enough. God is good and He provides all we need. Amen!

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