Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Road trip!

I'm itching for a road trip this Summer. The kids are old enough, now, to be able to make it to the next restroom without having an accident in the car, and they're mature enough to appreciate some of the neato things you see on a road trip - and remember them.

I have several destinations in mind, but in reality, we will probably only make it to 1 or 2 this Summer. Money is an issue. I 'd like to take the kids to see the Oklahoma Aquarium in Tulsa, and the Science Museum in Oklahoma City. Then there is a really cool petting zoo at a bed and breakfast in Nickerson, Kansas. They have all kinds of exotic animals that you can get up-close and personal with at a reasonable price. Rachel keeps asking if she can ride a horse, and I think they have pony rides there, too.

In the recent past I have strongly objected to long road-trips (sorry, Honey), but my views have really changed, lately. I think it has been a combination of seeing photos from other people's trips, and seeing my children's curiosity bloom from doing things hands-on. I'm also starting to remember the road-side attractions that my family visited on long road trips when I was a child. Someday I hope to take them to places I remember, like the Giant Redwood Forest in northern California. Everyone should see those trees in person before they die.

Since we homeschool, we can take these trips whenever we want and make a lesson plan out of it, but I like to have Tim go, so we have to work around his work schedule. I wouldn't want to take the kids without him, it's just not right making memories without Daddy.

On a side-note, all of my caterpillars have morphed into chrysalids, and will be butterflies in about a week! Isn't that cool? The appearance of their shells changes every day. The kit says they will get darker and darker, and I have noticed some new, iridescent spots on them! What incredible little creatures God has made for us to marvel at! I had a hard time picking up the iridescence with the camera, but you can see it a little in the goldish spikey things. Very scientific description, there.
Here you can see them in their "Butterfly Habitat" enclosure. Don't forget to click on the pictures to enlarge them for detail! They're really neat!

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