Friday, June 5, 2009


Rent bites. I hate paying rent. I've been itching to buy a house for years. Our apartment is small and we don't even have a patio for the kids to play on. We've stayed here our entire marriage because it has been cheap, but I got a notice this morning that the rent will be going up again on August 1st.

I'm praying that we can qualify for (and find) a humble house to buy. We don't make a lot of money, but I'm not incredibly picky. I would be happy with an older house in a relatively quiet neighborhood with a few key features. I prayed for God to provide me the right church (with a few key features) and He did, so I am going to pray for Him to provide us a house, too.

I'm praying for a house (cheaper than our rent) with a basement (for safety in tornado season), a fenced back yard (because Rache' would spend all day outside if she could), 2 toilets (trust me), 3 bedrooms + (2 kids), central air, and non-carpeted floors would be nice (for Tim's allergies), as would a garage ('cause who likes scraping windows?), but not absolutely necessary.

God has always been good to me, and He's got cattle on a thousand hills, right? His will be done, and I will happily accept whatever situation we end up in, but this is my prayer. Praise the Lord!

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